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Gender Male / Female / Other ( else if )


Gender Male / Female / Other ( else if )

    So here is the code given below how to use if, else if , else  conditions in C++. So here we go to the code. Just don't copy the code just go for its explanation given below the code. It may guide/help your for your learning and remembrance of the code.

Gender Male / Female / Other

void main()
char gender;
                 cout<<"\n\n\t M for male \n\t F for female \n\t Any letter for other";
         cout<<"\n\n\t Enter gender : ";         cin>>gender;          if ( gender == 'M' || gender == 'm'){          cout<<"\n\t Male";          } else if ( gender == 'F' || gender == 'f'){          cout<<"\n\t Female";         } else {     cout<<"\n\t Other";          }     getch(); 

Explanation of Code

  • The header tags.


  • Then the main() function is declared.
void main()
  • clrscr(); is a function use to clear the output console screen.
  • char is use to initialize variables gender
 char gender;
  • cout is use to display/output the entered characters in it.
                cout<<"\n\n\t M for male \n\t F for female \n\t Any letter for other";
cout<<"\n\t Enter gender : ";

  • cin is use to connect it with for an input value in it
  • if condition is use to check whether the input value/ character matches the predefined character in the condition. If if condition value matches the input value it displays the out as Male.
  if ( gender == 'M' || gender == 'm' ){
cout<<"\n\t Male";
  • else if condition works when if condition doesn't match the predefined values with the input values in the condition and displays the output in the else condition i.e. Female.
                else if {
         cout<<"\n\t Female";
  • else condition works when if and else if condition doesn't match the predefined values with the input values in the condition and displays the output in the else condition i.e. Other.
else {     cout<<"\n\t Other";         }
  • \n it displays the output in each new line accordingly.
  • \t is a tab use to give 3 white space in an output of program accordingly.
  • getch(); is the function use to get the characters directly from the keyboard.

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